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Make it with Hamilton Beach: Chicken Burrito Bowl
  1. Mince garlic and set aside for 10 minutes to bring out properties.
  2. Dice peppers, tomatoes and green onions.
  3. Mix spices (cumin, oregano, onion powder, chili powder, sea salt) in a ramekin.
  4. Add chicken to crock and sprinkle seasoning over chicken.
  5. Add in garlic, peppers, tomatoes and green onions.
  6. Cover all ingredients in tomato sauce.
  7. Cook in slow cooker for 2.5 to 3 hours at high.
  8. Chicken is cooked when you can pull meat apart easily.
  9. Add chicken to bowls of quinoa or brown rice and top with avocado, black beans, cilantro or other favourite toppings.
Recipe Notes

Recipe by Miranda Malisani

Miranda Malisani, RNCP is a Toronto based Nutritionist who is recognized nationally for her expertise in holistic nutrition. Her down-to-earth attitude and ability to cater her services to an individual’s needs has made her a leader in the field. Miranda specializes in creating customized nutrition solutions.